
Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Reflect lesson plan;The beaches are disappearing

                   In this reason is about "Tourism and the Environment"  in lesson: “The beaches are disappearing”. The time required in this lesson is an hour per period. Because of in Thailand it have many beach and it importance to teach students to how can they save the beach.
                  From the lesson “The beaches are disappearing” teacher  has set the learning standard as the following; 1.1(4): Answer questions from listening to and reading sentences, dialogues and 1.2 (5): Speak and write to describe their own feelings and opinions about various matters, activities, experiences and news/incidents, as well as provide justifications appropriately. Terminal objectives: Students will be able to listen to the story and the conversation about the beach in Thailand. Moreover, she has set the enabling objective as follows: Students will be able to listen and answer questions from the story and the conversation about the beach in Thailand and student will be able to speak and write to describe their own feelings and opinions about the beach using expressing obligation. In the teaching steps, she introduces students about the new vocabulary, and then she lets students match the picture with the correct words. I think that it is a great idea to teach students the vocabulary by game. Moreover, her classroom language is quite good. Nevertheless, there are some mistakes that she can do it better if she improves it. The recording of the conversation relating to the lesson “The beaches are disappearing” represents of her enthusiasm in teacher, but she can do it better, if she native speakers in her audio recording.

                      “The beaches are disappearing” is one of good lessons to teach English with public mind, if teacher designs the goal and the content appropriately.  In addition, Nunthiya s’ teaching materials are very interesting, but in some activities need to be to developed to be the better ones. However, “The beaches are disappearing” is the lesson that enhances students to think the ways to take care the world and public mind to save the environment and help the others. At the end of lesson students can get both knowledge and morality.

Lesson Plan
Subject: English for Tourism                          Level: Grade 9 (Intermediate)        
Unit 4: Tourism and the Environment               Time : 1 period (50 minutes)
Topic: The beaches are disappearing                      Date: 4th October 2014
Learning standard:
1.1(4): Answer questions from listening to and reading sentences, dialogues.
1.2 (5): Speak and write to describe their own feelings and opinions about various matters, activities, experiences and news/incidents, as well as provide justifications appropriately.
Terminal Objectives:
-       Students will be able to listen to the story and the conversation about the beach in Thailand.
 Enabling Objective
-       Students will be able to listen and answer questions from the story and the conversation about the beach in Thailand.
-       Student will be able to speak and write to describe their own feelings and opinions about the beach using expressing obligation.
-       Story about the beach in Thailand.
-       The conversation about two girls from a seaside worried about their environment.
-       Expressing obligation  ( English Modal Verbs)
Vocabulary: reminder, beachfront, stilt, waste disposal, thrive
Skills: Listening, Speaking and Writing
Instructional Media:
         1. Word cards
         2. Picture cards
          3. Sheet no 1and 2
         4. Task no 1and 2
5. Power point
          6. Video
-       Students can listen and answer questions from the story and the conversation about the beach in Thailand.
-       Student can speak and write to describe their own feelings and opinions about the beach using expressing obligation.

Learning Experience:
Teacher (T)
Students (Ss)
PRE-TASK Before Listening      (15 Minutes)

1. T asks Ss to answer the questions:
- Have you ever been to the beach?  -What do you enjoy doing on the beach?
-What kind of building can you find on the beach?
- Do Thai people usually live on the beach?
2. T asks Ss to divide in to two groups to play game by match the words and the given pictures.
3.T choose key words concerning the beaches, such as reminder, beachfront, stilt, waste disposal etc. and lets Ss pronounce word by word from Cambridge Dictionaries Online
4. T shows the picture cards and asks Ss how different between two pictures.

Description: เกาะตาชัย.jpg Description: img_0676.jpg


Ss answer all the questions

Ss play  vocabulary game

Ss pronounce the vocabulary

Ss describe how different between two pictures.

Observe student’s performance when they  play game

Observe student’s performance when they answer the question.

TASK CYCLE While listening   (30 Minutes)

5. T opens the audio about “ The beaches in Thailand are disappearing” 3 times
- The first time, after listening students tell what did they get from story.
- The second time, Student listen again
- The third times, teacher gives sheet no.1 to students. Students can read the story while listening after that teacher gives students to work in pair to answer the question from the story in Task 1.
Next, T checks the correct answer with the students.

6.T gives sheet no.2 to students and lets them listing to the conversation
two times and work in pairs to answering the questions in Task 2. Then T checks the correct answers with Ss.

7. T asks Ss to form groups of three to practice speaking from the situation in the conversation.

8. T asks Ss to form groups of four or five to write two or three sentences about how to save the beaches beautifully and draw the beach in their dream.  
T asks Ss to presented their work in front of the class

Ss listen the audio first time and tell about what did they get from the story. Next,
Ss listen the audio second time. Then, Ss work in pair to answer the question from the story in Task 1. 

Ss check the correct answer with teacher in Task 1. 

Ss listen to the conversation two times and work in pairs to answering the questions in Task 2. Then checks the correct answers with T.

Ss form groups of three to practice speaking from the situation in the conversation.

Ss in each group write two or three sentences about how to save the beaches beautifully and draw the beach in their dream to present in front of the class.

Checks the answer from Task 1.
Listening rubric

Checks the answer from Task 2. Listening rubric

Speaking rubric

Writing rubric

Language Focus  Post Listening (15 minutes )
9. T discusses about expressing obligation and distributes sheet no. 3 to Ss and practice using must, have to by write responses to the following statements on the board.
-       The hotel is pumping raw sewage into the bay.
-       The tourists have stopped coming to Thailand.
-       We want to save this beach for people who like to walk.

Ss receive sheet no. 3 and practice using must, have to by write responses from the given statements on the board.

Observe student’s performance when they answer the question.

Comment and Reflections:

Listening Rubric
Area of concern
1 pts
Needs work
2 pts
3 pts
Very good
4 pts
Ability to focus. 

The student was not able to concentrate on the listening task and was easily distracted and inattentive.

The student found it difficult to concentrate on the listening task, but was able to attend occasionally.

The student was mostly attentive and usually able to listen with good concentration.

The student was able to concentrate fully and listen very attentively throughout the assessment.
General understanding. 

Student did not understand enough vocabulary or information to answer the questions.

While the student did not understand a lot of the vocabulary and information, he/she was able to complete some of the questions.

The student showed a good general understanding of the vocabulary and information, with most questions completed.

The student showed a very good general understanding of all vocabulary and information, completing all the questions.
Listening for details.

Student was unable to grasp specific details when listening, and did not include them in the answers.

Although the student showed a limited ability to listen for details, specific information was occasionally included.

The student was able to include most specific information and details in his/her answers.

The student included all the specific information and details in his/her answers.
Accuracy of answers. 

The student's answers were mostly left out or unrelated to the information given.

The student included a small amount of information, however, a lot was left out or was not accurate.

Answers were mostly accurate and related to the information given, with a only a few errors.

The content was always accurate and related to the information given.

Scores of 10 or more indicate that the student is making good in listening.
Scores below 10 indicate that the student needs to improve their listening.
       10 - 8 = Excellent
        7 - 5 = good
        4 - 0 = improved
Speaking Rubric for the specific situation in the conversation

Speak Clearly
Speaks clearly and distinctly all (100-90 %) the time, and miss pronounces no word.
Student seems pretty prepared but might have needed a couple more rehearsals.
Speaks clearly and distinctly most (89-70%)
mispronounces more than four words.
Often number or con not be understood OR miss pronounces more than five words.
Clear sentences
Say all sentences clearly. (100-90%)
misused no sentences.
Say all sentences clearly. (100-90%)
misused two sentences.
Say all sentences clearly. (100-90%)
misused three sentences.
Say all sentences clearly. (100-90%)
misused more than three sentences.
Show a full understanding of the topic.
Show a good understanding of the topic.
Show a good understanding of parts of the topic.
Does not seem to understand the topic very well.

Scores of 10 or more indicate that the student is making good in fluency.
Scores below 10 indicate that the student needs additional instruction in fluency
       10 - 8 = Excellent
        7 - 5 = good
        4 - 0 = improved

( Adapted from Thongwandee (2009)

Writing Rubric
Need improvement
Student uses accurate Punctuation.

Student uses capital letters to begin sentences and names.

Student provides clear sentences grammatically correct and make sense.

student write on topic and add details.

Student write most sight words correctly


10 - 8 = Excellent
  7 - 5 = good
  4 - 0 = improved

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